
Life’s a painting and you’re the artist. But you are never finished. Each day is made up of a dozen different sketches, alone they will never be more than that, a sketch, yet they make up the context of our lives.

This is my sketch, one done with love.


  • Whenever I face the challenge of designing a new project, I really enjoy the initial stages of the process. First, meeting with clients and discovering what they want and sometimes don't even know they want, then sitting own and researching the subject, and finally…

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  • What is Emergence

    First defined by George Henry Lewes in "The Problems of Life and Mind". According to Lewes: "Although each effect is resulting from its components, the product of its factors, we cannot always plot the process steps, to the point of seeing in the product…

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  • The Gorilla

    Gorillas (genus Gorilla) are herbivorous primates that inhabit the forests of Central Africa. It is the greatest of the living primates. Its DNA is 97%–98% equal to humans, the closest after two species of chimpanzee. American physicist and missionary Thomas Staughton Savage was the…

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  • In the public sphere the words that are used to describe progressive ideas and movements have long since been used to embody a whole list of concepts long bastardized and pulled out of context to be grouped together for some coffee talk: socialism, democracy,…

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  • Food in ancient Rome wasn't as bland as you might think. Still, before the rich and elaborate meals began to appear on the tables the empire needed a basis to build on. Later food began to appear from places as distant as Guinea (pheasants),…

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  • In a world without plants, life as we know it would end. We would cease to exist. Plants feed on minerals and carbon dioxide to grow. Their bodies are rich in glucose that builds the basis of the food of animals and expel oxygen…

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  • A Right to Democracy

    The Declaration of Human Rights states in Article 21: Article 21 Everyone has the right to participate in the government of his country, directly or through freely elected representatives. Everyone has the right to access, on an equal footing, the public functions of his…

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  • The Political Lie

    It is that lie used by those seated in power to make their own interests prevail over those of their voters. Political scientist John Mearsheimer wrote the book: "Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International Politics" in 2011 (read the NPR review).…

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  • A Word on Humanism

    What is humanism? It is a perspective from which you see the world, rather than a school of thought or a collection of beliefs. Humanism gives man unique capacities with respect to other living beings who are cultivated and celebrated for their own good.…

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  • Democracy In Focus

    Bolivia's first president, Evo Morales, has recently been removed from office after 14 years in power after facing acquisitions of a election fraud; declaring himself president even when a clear winner was yet to be decided. What followed was a month of unrest in…

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